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The Zen Dogs and I will be hitting the road soon for a 2023 TOUR, and I will be offering a CHAKRA SOUND JOURNEY with my upcoming circles. in the meantime, check out my new MUSIC on spotify, Itunes and all major digital outlets

(click Contact to BOOK A SESSION)

These sound healings usually include shamanic drums and rattles, bells, Tibetan singing bowls, crystal chakra bowls, gongs, water sounds, bells and chimes…and a healing may be custom-designed to meet your needs or that of your group. The sacred sound current is perhaps our most powerful tool for manifestation and healing, and we are grateful to allow it to work through us, so that we may help people clear their energy and heal in the process. By guiding the sound through the seven chakras, we call them into alignment.

Relax in savasana while we fill the room with a soundscape of healing energy. Let it vibrate through you as the Naad, the sacred sound current, resonates around you and within you and clears out any incongruent energy that you might be holding inside or in your field. Raise your vibration, enhance your mindfulness, and feel the world around you begin to shift for the better!

Now offering private in-home sound healings! If you have been curious about sound healing, let me create a safe space for you in which to give it a try. CONTACT Mari Dew for more information.


*PLEASE be mindful that the instruments used in my sound healings and journeys are powerful vibrational tools which are very effective at moving energy.  Any blocks or “stuck energy” that you are holding onto, consciously or subconsciously, can begin to move, sometimes at a very rapid rate.  This process of detoxification can manifest as strong emotions coming up, increased sensitivity, digestive or bowel issues or other similar effects as you break old patterns and release energetic blocks and/or “stuck energy”…so please be aware, breathe, drink lots of water to help you detoxify, and above all, be gentle with yourself. 

Tune in and listen to your body. Release stress and release dis-ease.  Keep relaxing the body.

Sat Nam. Aho. Namaste.