Pisces New Moon Circle: Clear It Away
(a global healing moon circle, led by Mari Dew)
Friday, March 12th, 2021 at 8pm Eastern
Please join Mari Dew, “the Moon Lady,” for this gathering of our global community. In the Pisces New Moon Circle, we build upon the Earth energy that we cultivated around the Virgo Snow Moon a couple weeks ago, and we bring in the element of Water, Pisces energy. We continue to flow through life with efficiency and grace by staying grounded with the Earth while embodying the smooth fluidity and flexibility of the Water Element.
Have you ever seen (or had) a pedicure with fish? They soak the person’s feet in a tub of fish, and the fish nibble away the dead skin from the feet, naturally and efficiently. Allow the Pisces energy to nibble away anything you do not need, anything that doesn’t serve you. Clear your energy, every bit and piece of it - body, mind and soul.
It’s time to let go, so that we may step forward into our sovereignty. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, and it is a time for completion and wrapping up loose ends. The energies surrounding the Pisces new moon, the arrival of Spring, the new astrological year and the direction of The East (the Void) all make these next couple weeks a powerfully auspicious time to take a quantum leap through the portal of next week’s Spring Equinox into the embodiment of your Higher Self. Let’s Dew this!
These bi-weekly moon circles on @3HOfoundation Facebook Live follow the cycles of the moon and are open to everyone and geared toward beginners, no experience required. All are welcome. Circles are generally around 45-60 minutes in length, and a journal is recommended but not required. Go to www.facebook.com/3hofoundation to join the circle live on Tuesday, January 12th at 8pm Eastern time.
The moon circles feature all-original music from Mari Dew, which you can find on Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music, Amazon and all major digital outlets.
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