Meet your neighbors and bring your skills/talents/interests to the table to share, as we come together in circle once a month and build our community by way of connection and service. We are so lucky to live in beautiful Northern Michigan and be connected with the land, the lakes, the woods and all the natural beauty, and this circle will develop ways to nurture our area and all of its inhabitants. We have a cool community here, and we can do amazing things when we work together!
This will be a moderated circle, and all are welcome….just a few prerequisites are required: kindness, openness to new ideas and approaches, non-judgment, respectful listening, turn-taking and an overall willingness to work with a diverse community, united in service. In the circle, all are equal, and the facilitator guides the group in a neutral and compassionate way to ensure that all have a voice. As a circle facilitator for almost a decade, Mari Dew has learned to help elicit and organize ideas and help groups dissolve resistance and move in harmony with one another toward a collective intention or plan, often applying techniques and practices from yoga, Breathwork, meditation and/or shamanism.
This might sound a bit different from anything you have previously experienced, but please consider stopping by to check it out. These circles can be highly effective and inspiring…it all depends on who shows up. Come with an open mind and heart and be ready for anything!
Donations to the facilitator will be accepted and appreciated but not required. Please bring your non-alcoholic drink of choice and dress comfortably with layers for warmth and bring a blanket/yoga mat/pillow if you wish to sit on the floor (or chairs are available if you prefer). Also bring a journal and writing device to make notes and/or capture ideas.
Our location:
Bendon Hall
19971 Kent Street
Interlochen MI 49643