*Please go to https://www.youtube.com/maridewyoga at 7pm Eastern on Tuesday, July 26th , 2022 to join this circle on MariDewTube!
Leo New Moon : Protection
Join Mari Dew as we honor the Leo New Moon with a global moon circle as we work with our auras to strengthen our magnetic fields and activate the light of protection around us. We align with Lion as our ally and call upon her courage and confidence.
The Global Moon Circles features the moon updates from Lena Stevens of The Power Path ( www.thepowerpath.com )
Our next global moon circle:
Aquarius Full Moon Circle
August 2022 at 7pm Eastern
MariDewTube ( www.youtube.com/maridewyoga )
Global Moon Circles feature original music by Mari Dew…now available via all major digital outlets worldwide. Follow me on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1zNTh0ziCRwXSVcIGezLNi?si=tNOKaKYRRGSWJk7X2PVYPQ
Please take a moment to follow me on your favorite digital music and/or social media platform(s) @MariDewYoga on YouTube - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter
Thank you and New Moon Blessings to all.
Remember. Believe. You are Infinite.
Sat Nam. Aho. Namaste.
#maridewyoga #globalmooncircles #newmoon #Leo #protection #courage #strength #fire #passion #intention #peace #meditation #transformation #newbeginnings