*Please go to http://instagram.com/3hofoundation at 7pm Eastern (*new time, one hour earlier)
on Monday, February 28th, 2022 to join this circle on Instagram LIVE!
Pisces New Moon : Soften and Flow
The new moon in Pisces calls for softness and inner truth...being true to ourselves and going inside to find our flow. When the outer world around us feels increasingly “out of control,” it’s time to go within and work with the inner world, the only thing which we can control. Pisces is a wonderful sign for clearing, but in the process it brings up our shadow side (often alongside the shadow side of the collective), and it can be intense. The only way out is through, and we contribute to the healing of the collective and the planet by doing the inner work to heal our own wounds and to release anything that is not serving our inner peace.
Join Mari Dew for this global moon circle, as we call upon the revitalizing water energies of this Pisces new moon to clear and heal our community and help us to rise above the chaos. This energy of the Sun and Moon (conjunct in Pisces) is magnified as they are joined by Jupiter, which is at home in the sign of Pisces and expands everything around it. Don’t be fooled by the chaos of the outer world at this time…our biggest dreams are still possible, if only we believe. Rather than be hardened by the barrage of challenges coming at us at a lightning pace…can we soften, go with the flow, and commit to supporting one another as we move through these challenges together?
Our next global moon circle:
Virgo Worm Moon Circle
Wednesday, March 16th 2022 at 7pm Eastern
3HO Foundation Instagram Live
( www.instagram.com/3hofoundation )
Global Moon Circles feature original music by Mari Dew…now available via all major digital outlets worldwide. Follow me on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1zNTh0ziCRwXSVcIGezLNi?si=tNOKaKYRRGSWJk7X2PVYPQ
Please take a moment to follow me on your favorite digital music and/or social media platform(s) @MariDewYoga on YouTube - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter
Thank you and New Moon Blessings to all.
Remember. Believe. You are Infinite.
Sat Nam. Aho. Namaste.